Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Social-Media and how it could affect a person

based on the article: "They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets" By Natasha Singer. New York Times.

   After reading this article, I plan to keep more of an eye on my Social-Media sites, Make sure i don't post anything inappropriate or that would effect my appearance, and to have more of an understanding of what people do to get to know more about you. Upon reflection that my online presence has been very "family friendly" and safe for people to understand i'm not a bad person or that i don't have a horrible appearance but still shows a little bit to much of some funny or in some peoples opinion inappropriate images. Because of this, I understand that i should look closer to what i'm sharing or commenting on before i do it.

   First, I plan to keep an eye on my Social-Media sites. This is important because it would show what type of stuff i post or give a bad impression on me and could hurt with anything that you could possibly do in the future.

   Second, I plan to make sure i don't post anything inappropriate or that would effect my appearance. This step is equally important because this would also effect my appearances with any jobs or friends that would think i am immature and hurt my relationship with other people and different things.

Some question for the author that i had on this subject are...

Why would a college look at your Social-Media in the first place if they have many different applications?

If more applicants knew about them searching on your Social-Media would this change their attitude or would they even care...?

What is some different type of information on Social-Media that could hurt someone..? all illegal information or could it be not that big of a deal but still effect their application?

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