How popular websites have change over time using the "way back" machine...
What is the purpose of the Wayback Machine and the Internet Archive in general?
The wayback machines purpose is to show how technology has advanced over time and how much of a difference it might have made on some of the most popular websites out there.
What are they archiving, in addition to websites?
They are Archiving old information and "snapshots" closest to the time it was taken.
The well-in 1996
The Well
The well-Present Day
The Well website has changed ALOT in the time from 1996 to present day. In 1996 it did not have very much CSS if any at all. you can tell nothing is split up into any Divs or different groups and wasn't the best about organization. at present day The Well has groups and categories to be organized in and looks much neater than before.
Bing-in 2008
Bing-Present Day
Bing has also changed ALOT over time also... coming from no CSS and a very simplistic but non interesting design to a very colorful interactive design that catches your attention with more designs and no borings gaps or spaces like before in 2008.
NBC News
NBC News-in 2004
NBC News-Present Day
NBC News has changed over time too, not quite as drastically as some but some big changes are, in 2004 they had a lot more stuff going on with just the home page but it wasn't very organized at all. Present Day they decided to change it up by putting less stuff on the home page and organizing it into more links.
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